Unfortunately we have received some spam, and offensive and unwanted postings, so we will no longer be able to continue our open registration policy. Instead, new users will first be required to respond to an email to confirm that their email address is valid. This alone isn't enough though: I have over 100 "members" awaiting validation who are clearly spammers just based on the names/addresses.

So, after you receive the email and respond, please EMAIL ME PERSONALLY at SteveDavis@skylinecomputing.com, giving your email address, username on the forum, and a short reason why you want to join, and I will then manually authorize you to participate.

Anyone will continue to be able to READ this forum without becoming a member, and all current members will remain as members. This new policy only applies to people wanting to post to our forum who aren't currently members.

We regret the inconvenience and delay in ability to post that new members will now have to endure, but we really had no choice.

--Steve, Norm and the Skyline team.